Craft Explorations


Manipulating materials, and learning the how’s of production is something that I really enjoy. I love learning how to make objects, and exploring the processes of getting to a finished product. Some of my favorite methods include dyeing, and garment making.


Footwear Assembly

As a New Balance Shoe Ambassador I had the opportunity to learn about footwear manufacturing. From locally sourced materials to overseas imports, the craftsmanship can be seen in every pair. By observing and assembling footwear at New Balance, I learned what it takes to make a shoe come to life.


Papermaking with Natural Fibers

While at Massart, I took a fibers course and learned how to create paper. My favorite pulp to use was the Japanese Gampi, and the Thai Kozo. Their long fibers, and how easily they intertwined made them ideal to use. I loved how thin the paper could be pulled from the vat and still be held together while drying. I thought it would be fun to create wearables with this material, and explored that with my sewing machine.